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Is it time for a new roof?

Residential Roof Replacement

There is a saying in the roofing industry that a roof never has a good day. When you take into account all of the elements that your roof is exposed to, it becomes apparent why a quality roofing system is important.  Your roof protects one of your greatest investments, but years of sun (hot Texas summers),  cold winters, high winds, frequent hail storms, and poor attic ventilation can take a toll not only on shingles but the decking underneath. Despite the technological advances in roofing materials made over the years, the roof on your home will not last forever. Most roofs installed last a minimum of 20 years; however, if your home has been impacted by a storm or has poor ventilation, your shingles may be compromised. While missing shingles or leaks are a sign your roof has been damaged, in many cases the evidence is not as visible to the untrained eye. If you have suspicions that your shingles may be showing some wear and tear, schedule a free inspection with us today. We will be happy to provide you with an honest report on the condition of your roof.  

Roof Repair


A new roof is an expensive investment. Many roofing companies will only offer an option for a complete new roof, but Watts Roofing will always provide choices to save you money! Sometimes a simple repair is all you need. For example, is your roof leaking? A leaking roof can be as simple as a nail that has backed out or is missing. Maybe some shingles have lifted due to high winds and are no longer sealing properly. Another cause of leaks is dry rotted pipe flashing. Watts Roofing can replace these components with higher quality lead jacks.  Perhaps the situation is more serious such as sagging in your roof or damage from a fallen branch or tree. Depending on the extent of damage, we can simply remove and replace the area of the roof that was impacted. 


Common Roofing Problems

Click through the slideshow to learn more about the various problems that can compromise your roof.

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